Trestleboard April 2024 – 100th Birthday
Greetings from the East,
The Regius Poem is believed to be the oldest surviving masonic document.
The Regius Poem is considered by Freemasonry to be one of the Old Charges. The Old Charges were meant to describe a member’s requirements when they joined an operative lodge. To join, a new member swore to uphold and perform the things required in the charge. Often these appeared in the front of the lodge’s book of minutes.
The Regius Poem itself consists of 64 vellum pages written in rhyming couplets. The poem starts with Euclid in ancient Egypt. It describes how Euclid “counterfeited geometry” and called it masonry. This was for the employment of the children of the nobility. After Euclid, it describes how masonry is spread through “many diverse lands.” It also documents how masons in England during the reign of King Æthelstan (Athelstan), the first King of England, gained self-governance. In the poem as it relates to Æthelstan and Freemasonry, masons throughout England travel to his court and seek guidance on governing themselves.
This portion of the poem contains Fifteen Articles and Fifteen Points. The Articles in general have to do with the Master of the Lodge, giving him moral directions on how to properly run his organization, both in the lodge and on the work site. There are things like how to treat the craftsman, who to allow into the lodge, and a statement to properly educate the entered apprentices.
The Points are generally directed at the craftsman of the lodge and follow a similar pattern as the Articles. The Points also include recommended punishments for violating the Points. It also includes provisions for annual assemblies.
The original Regius manuscript’s origins are obscure. From the time it is believed to have been written, somewhere around 1425, until the mid-1700’s there are various records of individuals having it in their personal libraries. In 1757, King George II donated the manuscript to the British Museum. The document became the nucleus of the British Library. Before being donated, in 1734, it was cataloged and listed as a “Poem of Moral Duties.” Because of this the poem was essentially “lost” to Freemasonry for a time.
In 1838, James Halliwell, who was not a mason, delivered a paper on “The Early History of Freemasonry in England.” His work was largely based on the Regius Poem. In 1840 the paper was published, including the original Regius Poem. From then on, it took on the new name of the “Halliwell Manuscript.”
When Halliwell wrote his paper, the actual age of the Regius Poem was debated. Many at the time believed it dated to 1390. Edward August Bond who was the curator of manuscripts at the British Museum gave it a date of some 50 years later, putting it about 1440. He also stated he believed it was written by a priest. Modern dating techniques have confirmed it dates to the time between 1425 and 1450. It is also believed it was written to counter a statute from 1425 that banned assemblies. The specific portion which calls for an annual assembly countered the ban with some royal authority.
The Original Poem ends with a blessing. A page of the Poem is attached.
The Grand Lodge of British Columbia and Yukon has an excellent article, including verbiage and translation of the Regius Poem: https://www.freemasonry.bcy.
With Brotherly Love and Affection,
Andy A. Jules
Worshipful Master 2023-24
EOLA #207 F.&A.M..
Greetings from the West,
Dear Esteemed Brethren,
I hope this letter finds you well and filled with the spirit of brotherhood. As we delve deeper into the year 2024, I am pleased to provide you with updates on various important matters concerning our lodge.
Positive Outlook for 2024 and Beyond:
The optimism that marked the beginning of the year continues to resonate within our fraternity. Despite the challenges we may face, our commitment to the principles of Freemasonry remains unwavering. Let us continue to work together with enthusiasm and dedication as we pave the way for the next 100 years of our lodge’s legacy.
Lodge Building Maintenance – Work Day:
I extend my heartfelt gratitude to all brethren who volunteer their time and efforts on a day-to-day basis to ensure the upkeep of our cherished lodge. However, the work is ongoing, and there are still tasks that require attention. Therefore, I encourage continued participation in our maintenance efforts, as we strive to maintain function and pride in our facility. The next two potential dates for a lodge workday will be brought up for discussion at the upcoming stated communication and we welcome all brothers and their families to come out and support their lodge. The next lodge workday will consist of landscaping tasks to beautify the front of the lodge along with some much-needed cleanup of the back area of our lodge. It was noticed that the storage shed behind the lodge has recently been vandalized and needs some graffiti removal.
Fundraising Opportunities:
In our pursuit of financial stability and the ability to support our charitable endeavors, we have explored various fundraising opportunities. I am pleased to announce that we have identified several promising initiatives that will enable us to raise funds while fostering camaraderie among our members. Details regarding these opportunities will be shared in the coming weeks, and I urge all brethren to participate actively in these endeavors.
Successful Easter Celebration and Community Outreach:
I am delighted to share the success of our recent Easter celebration at EOLA Lodge. With the generous support of our local partners at Bear Team Real Estate, we were able to provide food and Easter fun for the community on Saturday, March 9th, 2024.The event had over 200+ attendees from the local community and this event not only brought joy to those in attendance but also strengthened our ties with the community we serve. Thanks to the Bahia Demolay for coming out to support the Easter Community event as well as they even set up and manned a table at the front entrance to help answer questions from the community about what DeMolay is all about and how their young men can join.
Participation in the 17th Annual Autism Walk & Family Fun Day:
It is with great pride that I announce our lodge’s participation in the 17th Annual Autism Walk & Family Fun Day alongside 30+ other volunteer Masons from central Florida. Held on Saturday, March 30, 2024, this event was attended by thousands of people who came together to support a noble cause. Brother Rick Ream and I were in attendance representing our Lodge and were in charge of manning the big inflatable slide at the event which I would argue is one of the best volunteer stations to be assigned to. Spearheaded by our current DDGM R∴W∴ John Miles, our fraternities involvement underscores our commitment to making a positive impact in the lives of others and exemplifies the true spirit of Freemasonry.
In closing, I express my sincere appreciation to each member for their unwavering dedication to our lodge and the principles we hold dear. Together, let us continue to uphold the values of Freemasonry and ensure that our fraternity remains a beacon of light in our community.
Senior Warden
Greetings from the South,
As we enter the month of April, I extend my heartfelt appreciation to the community for their steadfast support of Eola Lodge No. 207 F.&A.M. Your unwavering encouragement fuels our commitment to serving the Orlando area, and we are deeply grateful for the enduring partnership we share with BearTeam Realty. Together, we strive to cultivate unity and fellowship within our community, enriching lives and fostering connections that transcend boundaries.Reflecting on our individual journeys into Freemasonry, let us ponder the motivations that led us to embrace this noble craft. Are we fulfilling the aspirations we set forth upon entering these hallowed halls? Let us unite in our shared pursuit of growth and enlightenment, standing shoulder to shoulder as we build a future imbued with the timeless values of Freemasonry.
Our stated communications serve as beacons of fellowship and enlightenment, offering moments of unity and reflection for brethren and their families alike. I extend a warm invitation to join us on the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of April for our Stated Communications, where ladies and families are warmly welcomed. Embrace the spirit of renewal at our first Stated Communication with a floral and Easter dress code, followed by a more solemn observance at our second communication where officers are adorned in black suits, shirts, and ties.
As we gaze into the future, the optimism that has characterized the beginning of this year continues to inspire us. Despite the challenges that may lie ahead, our commitment to the enduring principles of Freemasonry remains unshakable. Let us forge ahead with unwavering dedication and enthusiasm, laying the groundwork for the next century of our lodge’s storied legacy.
The maintenance and upkeep of our cherished lodge are vital responsibilities that require ongoing dedication and effort from each member of our fraternity. I extend my heartfelt gratitude to all brethren who volunteer their time and labor to ensure the preservation and pride of our facility. Join us for our upcoming lodge workdays, where we will embark on landscaping tasks to enhance the beauty of our surroundings and address recent acts of vandalism in the back area of our lodge.
In our quest for financial stability and the ability to support charitable endeavors, we have identified several promising fundraising opportunities that foster camaraderie and unity among our members. Details regarding these initiatives will be shared in the coming weeks, and I urge all brethren to actively participate in these endeavors, ensuring the success of our collective efforts.
The success of our recent Easter celebration stands as a testament to the impact of our community outreach efforts. With the generous support of Bear Team Real Estate, we were able to provide food and Easter festivities for over 200 attendees from our local community. This event not only brought joy to those in attendance but also strengthened our bonds with the community we serve. Let us continue to support neighboring lodges and community events, nurturing goodwill and unity within our broader Masonic family.
Brethren, your insights and perspectives are invaluable as we strive to enhance and grow our craft. Your feedback is essential, and I invite you to share your thoughts and ideas in person.
Together, let us uphold the timeless principles of Freemasonry and ensure that our fraternity remains a beacon of light and inspiration in the community.
Carlos Vieira
Junior Warden, Eola Lodge No. 207 F.&A.M.