
Trestleboard Jan 2024 – 100th Birthday

Written by Andy Jules | Feb 27, 2025 2:58:59 AM

Greetings from the East,



Welcome to Eola Lodge No. 207 F.&A.M. I am honored to have served for the year 2023, and to now be elected and installed as Worshipful Master for the year 2024. We are focused on community outreach, charity, and leaving the world in a better condition than that which we found it. First, praises be to God for allowing us to meet as a family. To the Brothers, I thank you for your continued leadership in our respective communities and look forward to the work that we have yet to accomplish. To our families, without whose support we would not have the wherewithal to do the work, thank you. To those who are not a part of the fraternity, (yet), we are here for you and want to know how you would like us to make the world a better place.

Please pay close attention to the Introduction to Freemasonry. It will give you a glimpse into the work that we do and the goals that we set out to accomplish. If you are a Brother of this Fraternity, it will remind you of our mission. We are here to improve the world and ourselves in Masonry. Always remember how we meet, act, and part.

With Brotherly Love and Affection,

W:.M:. Andy A. Jules  2023 & 2024

Eola Lodge No. 207 F.&A.M.

The community appreciates all that Eola Lodge No. 207 F.&A.M. does to support the Orlando area. Many are looking forward to all of our events, especially when partnered with BearTeam Realty.

Thank you, BearTeam Realty, for all that you do to support Eola Lodge No. 207 F.&A.M. We look forward to our continued partnership in bringing the community together.

Our next community event is the Easter Eggstravaganza on 3/9/2024 from 11am to 2pm.

Why did you come to Freemasonry? Are you accomplishing the things that you have set out to do? Let’s build. Together.

Officers 2023 – Eola Lodge 207

Our stated communications will continue as scheduled on the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of the month. Ladies and families are welcome to our first Stated Communications.

1st SC in February, bring your ladies and families. Officers are to wear black suits, white shirts, black ties. This is to pay respect to those who have fallen in the previous year.

2nd SC in February, officers to wear dark suits, light blue shirts, and tie. Let’s represent our fraternity well.

Please make sure your contact information is up-to-date with the lodge secretary in order to ensure receipt of all communications. Thank you.

Eola Lodge will be having an EA Degree on 2/13/2024. 6pm Light refreshments. 7pm Degree. Fellowship to follow at Eola West.

Masters and Wardens will be held at South Seminole Lodge No. 364 F.&A.M. on 2/3/2024. 8am Breakfast. 9am Meeting. Memorial Lodge to follow.

Masters and Wardens will be held at Orange Blossom Lodge No. 80 F.&A.M. on 3/2/2024. 8am Breakfast. 9am Meeting. Memorial Lodge to follow.

MLT is now a requirement to be a Master or Warden. All 15 Modules need to be completed before you are eligible to be nominated to the South. This also applies to Past Masters and Past DDGMs. Do not wait to support your lodge. The time is now.

MLT: The next MLT session will be on 2/21/2024 at Eola Lodge No. 207. Please contact W:. Patrick Tessier of Orange Lodge No. 36 F.&A.M. for more information.

Hirams Daylight Lodge is made for the masons who cannot attend nightly stated communications. They meet at South Seminole Lodge on the 2nd and 4th Thursday of every month @ 10:30 a.m. Address is 122 Triplet Lake Dr Casselberry, FL 32707.

It is important that we support our neighboring lodges with their events, as well as our own. Please check Calendar – Central Florida Masons for upcoming events.

I have been elected to serve as W:.M:. during our centennial year 2024. I appreciate your vote of confidence and look forward to your support as we prepare for the 100th Anniversary.

What can Freemasonry do for you? How would you like the craft to improve? We would love to hear from you. Come and share your thoughts in person.

“Not everyone can become a Master Mason because Freemasonry is an organization with higher standards and requirements that not everyone wants to live by.
Not everyone can be an airplane pilot, and not everyone can be a doctor either. The standards and requirements for becoming a Freemason are considerably more common than those other two examples, yet they are standards and requirements that not everyone will want to or be able to meet.

We are all glad to know that airplane pilots and doctors have high standards and requirements. In much the same way we are glad to know that all of our fellow Masons hold themselves to the higher standards and requirements that we do ourselves. Freemasons are glad that they are part of a fraternity that they can be proud of and would recommend to anyone that has the desire to live by its system of higher morals and virtues.

Freemasonry is a good thing for everyone but not everyone is a good thing for Freemasonry.” – William Sheperds-Stone

We continue our search for light.

“Your power as Worshipful Master lies not in your authority, but in your ability to inspire people to work with you.” – R. Anderson


With Brotherly Love and Affection,
Andy A. Jules
Worshipful Master 2023-24
EOLA #207 F.&A.M..


Greetings from the West,



Esteemed Brethren,

I trust that this communication finds you well and in good spirits.  It is my honor to send greetings to you from the West as your Senior Warden for 2024.

As we embark on the journey of another year around the sun, I reach out to you in this February 2024 communication via our Trestle board. Our fraternity stands on the precipice of a new era, and I am filled with optimism as we gaze toward the next 100 years. The strength, unity, and brotherhood that have defined us will undoubtedly guide our path, and I am confident that together we shall continue to flourish.

Positive Outlook for 2024 and Beyond:
As we come into the 2nd month in the year 2024, let us collectively embrace the positive energy that surrounds us. Our lodge has a rich history, and it is our duty to carry the torch forward. The dedication and commitment of each member is a contribution to the enduring legacy of our Masonic family for the next 100 years. Let us continue to come together and face the challenges ahead with the teamwork and resolve that has marked our journey thus far.

Scheduled Degrees:
In the coming months, we have several degrees scheduled. These degrees are vital in fostering the growth and enlightenment of our members and crucial to keeping the lodge growing for years to come. I encourage all brethren to participate actively in degrees, offering support to those who are taking their next steps in the Masonic journey as well as to the brothers who are working very hard to coordinate a successful degree.

Lodge Building Maintenance – Work Day:
Our cherished lodge building requires attention to ensure its longevity and functionality. Therefore, it is imperative that we schedule at least one workday in Q1 of 2024 dedicated to maintenance tasks. This will include, but is not limited to, cleaning, repairs, and general lodge improvements. We will communicate in advance when a lodge workday has been scheduled and at that time, I kindly ask for volunteers to come forward and contribute their time and expertise to help improve and strengthen our lodge. Together, we can work together to uphold the physical manifestation of our Masonic principles.

Fundraising Opportunities:
To continue our charitable work and maintain the vibrancy of our lodge, we need to explore fundraising opportunities. I invite brethren to share ideas and suggestions for events or initiatives that can contribute to the financial stability of the lodge and its charitable endeavors. Let us be creative and resourceful as we seek to uphold the values that define us and set the new bar for fundraising at EOLA Lodge.

Lastly, I extend my gratitude to each of our members for their unwavering commitment to our Masonic principles and especially to all the “seasoned” Master Masons who are an integral part of our lodge. Let us navigate the currents of 2024 and beyond together, ensuring that our fraternity remains a beacon of light and inspiration for generations to come.  To The Next 100 Years!


Br. David M. Mole
Senior Warden
EOLA #207 F.&A.M.


Greetings from the South,



Dear Brethren and Honored Visitors,

As we embark upon the second Trestle Board of the year 2024, it is my privilege to extend a warm Masonic greeting to each of you. Freemasonry, with its rich history and timeless principles, stands as a beacon of light amidst the darkness, guiding men towards a greater understanding, enlightenment, and brotherly love.

For those unfamiliar with our ancient and honorable Craft, allow me to offer a brief introduction to Freemasonry. At its core, Freemasonry is a fraternal organization dedicated to the pursuit of truth, the promotion of virtue, and the cultivation of fellowship among its members. Rooted in the traditions of operative stonemasons, our Craft has evolved into a symbolic system of moral and spiritual teachings, passed down through generations of initiates.

As we gather here in our sacred lodge, I am pleased to announce that we are in the process of finalizing our meal calendar for the year ahead. Our dining experiences not only nourish our bodies but also provide an opportunity for camaraderie and bonding among brethren. I invite each of you to join us for dinner, which will start at 6:00 PM, every first and third Tuesday of the month. Let us break bread together as we strengthen the ties that bind us as Freemasons.

However, I must regretfully inform you that I will be absent from our second meeting this month. My family and I will be traveling to Colorado, embarking on a journey of exploration and adventure. Rest assured, my absence is temporary, and I eagerly anticipate reuniting with my brethren upon my return in March. In my stead, I have full confidence in the capable hands of our dedicated brothers who will ensure the smooth operation of our lodge proceedings.

In closing, I extend my heartfelt gratitude to each of you for your unwavering dedication to our beloved fraternity. May the teachings of Freemasonry continue to inspire and uplift us as we strive to build a better world, one imbued with the principles of brotherly love, relief, and truth. Until we meet again soon.


Br. Junior Warden
Carlos Vieira
Eola #207 F.&A.M.